If this is your first pregnancy or you have done this before, Nurse-Family Partnership is here to help pregnant people transition into parenthood free of charge.
Becoming a parent for the can be overwhelming. Nurse-Family Partnership is here to help pregnant people transition into parenthood free of charge.
Our team of maternal and child health nurses utilizes the evidence-based Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) nursing model which pairs pregnant people with their own personal nurse from pregnancy through their child’s second birthday.
Nurse-Family Partnership is a voluntary, free program for eligible pregnant people residing in Saginaw County.
When combined with traditional medical care, families participating in the program are more likely to have healthy pregnancies with fewer preterm and low birth weight newborns, are more likely to be successful at chestfeeding, and have infants and toddlers who are healthy.
If you are an expectant pregnant person and need guidance and support, we’re here to help.
Nurse-Family Partnership has helped over 300,000 new parents just like you. And we want to help you, too.
You are encouraged to enroll as early as possible in your pregnancy.
Pregnancy testing is also available in this office Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 11:00 am and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm in Room 200.
For more information about Nurse-Family Partnership visit: http://www.nursefamilypartnership.org
Nurse-Family Partnership Goals
- Improve pregnancy outcomes by partnering with moms to engage in good preventive health practices, including thorough prenatal care from their healthcare providers, improving their diets and reducing any use of habit-forming substances;
- Improve child health and development by assisting families to provide responsible and competent care; and
- Improve the economic self-sufficiency of the family by supporting parents to develop a vision for their own future, plan additional pregnancies, continue their education and find work.
Location & Hours
Saginaw County Health Department
1600 N. Michigan Avenue
Saginaw, MI 48602
Room 200
Phone: 989-758-3845
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm