Emergency Preparedness

Get Ready! Saginaw County
!!BE READY Saginaw County!! is a 12-month citizen preparedness program focusing on a different area of emergency preparedness each month. Fact sheets are available for each topic listed below. These fact sheets provide a range of preparedness options and action steps.
Click on a month's topic to view a fact sheet
- January: First Aid/CPR/AED Training
- February: Stay Informed:Hazard Awareness
- March: Life Without Power
- April: Sheltering vs. Evacuation
- May: Family Contacts & Medical Information
- June: Create a Plan
- July: Special Needs -Children, Seniors,Disabled, Pets, etc.
- August: Saving Personal Items - Keepsakes, Important Documents, etc.
- September: Recovering From a Disaster
- October: Food & Water
- November: Emergency Supplies Kit
- December: First Aid Kits
Why Is Citizen Emergency Preparedness Important?
Disasters happen anytime and anywhere. When disaster strikes, it is easier to cope when you are prepared. Being prepared for the potential emergencies in Mid-Michigan means addressing all of the steps noted in the 12-month preparedness calendar. Acting on one step each month is an easy way to accomplish this goal.
Where Do I Get the !!BE READY Saginaw County!! Fact Sheets?
!!BE READY Saginaw County!! fact sheets are available at the following location:
- Saginaw County Health Department—Room 301 1600 N. Michigan Avenue—Saginaw
What Do I Do with the Fact Sheet Information?
Read the fact sheet presented that month. There will be an explanation and suggestions on steps to prepare for that kind of emergency. Act on the suggestions in a manner that fits your time, your family, and your budget.
Who Do I Contact for More Information?
Contact the Saginaw County Health Department Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at (989) 758-3804.