Board of Health

The purpose of the Saginaw County Board of Public Health is to safeguard the public health and safety of the people in the community pursuant to Act No. 368, P.A. 1978.  The Board of Public Health shall identify public health problems, establish priorities, set patient fees if necessary, establish income eligibility for Health Department programs, and advise the Saginaw County Board of Commissioners regarding all Health Department matters.    The Board of Public Health shall also review the regulations formulated by the Health Department which are necessary or appropriate to implement or carry out the duties or functions vested by law in the Health Department.

The Board membership consists of no more than 15 members.  The composition of the Board shall consist of senior leadership from public health system organizations in Saginaw County that may include, but are not limited to: Covenant HealthCare, Ascension St. Mary’s, CMU Health, Great Lakes Bay Health Centers, Saginaw County Community Mental Health Authority, the Saginaw Intermediate School District, and the Saginaw Community Foundation; community members and/or consumers of health department services; and at least one licensed health care provider. The membership is appointed by majority vote of the Board of Commissioners.

The Board of Public Health meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month and meetings commence at 4:30 pm at the Bennie T. Woodard, Jr. Public Health Center, located at 1600 North Michigan Avenue, Saginaw, MI unless notice to the contrary is otherwise given pursuant to Act 267, Michigan Public Acts of 1976.  The January meeting will constitute the annual meeting of the Board of Public Health, at which time the officers of the Board of Public Health shall be elected and other appropriate business shall be conducted.

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters or procedures not specifically covered by the Bylaws or by specific rules or procedures adopted by the Board of Health.

The public is invited. Persons wishing to address the Board of Public Health will give one day’s advance written notice to Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. All persons requiring special assistance and/or reasonable accommodations should notify 989-758-3813, within three days prior to the scheduled meeting.

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